How to Put into the Deep for Evangelization

Activity Handout: Dealing with Discouragement
by John M. Boucher

It doesn’t take long for Catholics evangelizers to experience discouragement. Diocesan and parish evangelization plans seem to move forward like glaciers and frequently stall. Local programs and projects burst forth with fire and fervor, but over a few months or years seem to sputter or burn out. One-to-one evangelizing encounters with others bubble up with great joy, but can take unexpected turns or seem to go nowhere. Temptations to give up sharing our faith with others swarm around us like mosquitoes and seem to drain our commitment to continue “the essential mission of the Church.” (Pope Paul VI, On Evangelization in the Modern World, 14) Recall Simon’s (St. Peter’s) words, “…[Jesus] said to Simon, ‘Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing.’” (NRSV Lk 5:4&5)

Download this handout.
From Paulist Evangelization

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