St Paul is one like us

St Paul Evangelizer
(from Sr Kathryn's St Paul Seminar Blog:

Paul is a man like us. A man like so many men. He is not a genius. He is a great Christian. St. John Chrysostom had grasped well the risk of making Paul a myth. Let us make an effort, he said, to become like Paul and let us not think this is impossible. He was just like this. His will was great and his commitment magnificent. This is what made him do what he carried out. Let no one despair. Let no one draw back.
Paul is one like us, weak like us, converted to become a witness of the Gospel. And so now, from season to season, Christians should measure themselves by St. Paul.
Blessed is the one who communicates the Gospel. Paul is happy only when announcing the Gospel. We need to return to Paul in the world today. He also lived in a globalized world. Outside of the Judean community, the worlds were a mixture of languages and cultures. The Gentiles represent the complex Mediterranean cultures under Roman rule, marked also by religious pluralism. Today there is no longer a homogenized world. Different languages and religions mix together. No community lives alone. This is the world Paul lived in. The world that he broke into when he began to preach the Gospel outside of the Israelite community. He was the typical product of globalization and he moved in a globalized world.Andrea Riccardi, Founder of the Sant’Egidio Community

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